Weekly Topics - Week 15: IT and Ethics


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This week’s topic is about ethical theories. I’m picking the cultural relativism theory and apply an IT-related example to that.

The cultural relativism theory sees that there is no right and wrong in the different cultures. “Cultural relativism refers to the idea that the values, knowledge, and behavior of people must be understood within their own cultural context.” [1] When someone judges another cultures food it is an example for ethnocentrism. It means, that this person is using their own culture as the center of the world and evaluate other cultures based on that [2].

I found it hard to research a good example for its IT-related application, since most examples about cultural differences are about the different cuisines (eating bugs, eating pigs, etc.) and about their clothing style. The only, at least sort of, IT-related example I could think of is the cash-culture in Germany. Germans often pay for services and purchases with cash, which can annoy foreigners and tourists. In many countries (like the US or Estonia) card payment has long been the standard. The German cash culture is also part of the German mentality [3]. But why are the Germans loving their cash money so bad?
“A key factor is control," says business psychologist Erich Kirchler, who has been studying the cash passion and its causes in German-speaking countries for years. "We don't want to be patronized. We want autonomy, we want the freedom and practicality that cash offers." [3] Erich Kirchler explains the reason for the fear of losing control. The reason could be German history. 

"We have a relatively high level of trust in our authorities. But at the same time, we know how quickly the situation could change. That's probably not only - and here I'm being very speculative - experienced in history, but also learned and in consciousness." [3].

According to the cultural relativism theory it would be unfair to judge the German cash culture from another cultures point of view. Both cash and card payments have their (dis)advantages. Although I, as a German, am a bit annoyed by the cash culture at times.


[1] https://www.thoughtco.com/cultural-relativism-definition-3026122

[2] https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/society-and-culture/culture/a/cultural-relativism-article

[3] https://www.dw.com/de/das-bargeld-eine-deutsche-leidenschaft/a-50985805



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